Books from the Science of Fun Stuff Collection and the History of Fun Stuff Collection are often checked out and enjoyed by 3rd grade students. Students have learned about pizza, amusement parks, hot chocolate, ice cream, video games, fireworks, Halloween, magic, candy, airplanes, baseball, etc. from reading these fun Ready-to-Read books.
There is now an additional new collection in the same format: Secrets of American History. This collection includes books describing secret rooms in Mount Rushmore, World War I planes that were painted to look like Easter eggs, how Benjamin Franklin wrote secret codes in invisible ink, why shark repellant was used during World War II, and why you can't bring a sandwich on a spaceship, among other interesting facts. A non-fiction lover has one more collection to devour!
There is now an additional new collection in the same format: Secrets of American History. This collection includes books describing secret rooms in Mount Rushmore, World War I planes that were painted to look like Easter eggs, how Benjamin Franklin wrote secret codes in invisible ink, why shark repellant was used during World War II, and why you can't bring a sandwich on a spaceship, among other interesting facts. A non-fiction lover has one more collection to devour!